Managing your personal finance is tough. From keeping up with bill payments deadlines and tracking unplanned spending to keeping up with who owes you, tracking your money is never easy. Now that we have so many payments — bills, leisure, group payments, etc — to keep up with, staying on top of your bank balance can even become a more difficult challenge.
Managing your personal finance is tough. From keeping up with bill payments deadlines and tracking unplanned spending to keeping up with who owes you, tracking your money is never easy. Now that we have so many payments — bills, leisure, group payments, etc — to keep up with, staying on top of your bank balance can even become a more difficult challenge.
How to Make Bill Payments on Vasrefil
How to Make Bill Payments on Vasrefil
With the Vasrefil App, you can handle all your bill payments in a really simple way. Our app is easy to use and takes care of all the different bills you need to pay regularly, so you don’t have to worry about missing any payments.
With the Vasrefil App, you can handle all your bill payments in a really simple way. Our app is easy to use and takes care of all the different bills you need to pay regularly, so you don’t have to worry about missing any payments.
All you need to do to pay any bill is:
All you need to do to pay any bill is:
Sign up and log in to your account.
Select what you’re trying to pay for and
Make the payment!
You can also save your bills: this saves all the details needed for said transaction. If its a bill that you pay constantly but it’s not always the same amount, Vasrefil helps you save the details so you won’t have to remember it every time you want to make a payment. Likewise, if it’s a bill you sometimes pay for someone else — perhaps your sibling’s internet subscription, or your parents’ electricity bill — saving their details in your “Beneficiaries” will eliminate the struggle of constantly asking for their ID and give you the ability to grant surprise bill payments.
You can also save your bills: this saves all the details needed for said transaction. If its a bill that you pay constantly but it’s not always the same amount, Vasrefil helps you save the details so you won’t have to remember it every time you want to make a payment. Likewise, if it’s a bill you sometimes pay for someone else — perhaps your sibling’s internet subscription, or your parents’ electricity bill — saving their details in your “Beneficiaries” will eliminate the struggle of constantly asking for their ID and give you the ability to grant surprise bill payments.
What bills can you pay on Vasrefil?
What bills can you pay on Vasrefil?
Electricity payments are a different hassle for everyone in Nigeria — from trying to find the best and most convenient way to pay, to navigating which payment platforms would implement your payment the quickest. With Vasrefil, you don’t have to worry about any of those details.
Electricity payments are a different hassle for everyone in Nigeria — from trying to find the best and most convenient way to pay, to navigating which payment platforms would implement your payment the quickest. With Vasrefil, you don’t have to worry about any of those details.
Once you log in and you have enough funds in your account, simply select your electricity — or any other utility provider — from the designated section, enter your details and pay. That’s it!
Once you log in and you have enough funds in your account, simply select your electricity — or any other utility provider — from the designated section, enter your details and pay. That’s it!
Data, airtime and internet
Data, airtime and internet
You can pay for your data or airtime quickly and in no time! Once you sign in to your Vasrefil account, simply click on airtime or data, choose your mobile network provider, the amount you’d like to top up and you’re done — no stress, no hassle.
You can pay for your data or airtime quickly and in no time! Once you sign in to your Vasrefil account, simply click on airtime or data, choose your mobile network provider, the amount you’d like to top up and you’re done — no stress, no hassle.
Have you got DSTV or GoTV? Trying to pay for your Startimes subscription? No problem. Simply select what you need from the options and follow the instructions!
Have you got DSTV or GoTV? Trying to pay for your Startimes subscription? No problem. Simply select what you need from the options and follow the instructions!
Pay your bills with Vasrefil. It will make your payments (and by extension, your life) much easier, It’s what we’re here for.
Pay your bills with Vasrefil. It will make your payments (and by extension, your life) much easier,
It’s what we’re here for.
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