A Utility Bill Solution Software

Category Tips and guides


Debt is that four-letter word that sends shivers down spines and keeps us tossing in our beds at night. We all know it, some of us deal with it daily, and breaking free can be such a daunting task. But… Continue Reading →

7 Effective Work From Home Hacks for Productivity and Balance

Whether you’ve been a seasoned work-from-home pro or hastily assembled your home office during the tumultuous days of early 2020, there’s one common thread that binds us all: the need for effective work from home hacks.  Whether you’ve been a… Continue Reading →

8 Ways to Prioritise Your Bills

Paying bills is an essential part of adulting, but it can often become overwhelming when faced with a pile of invoices and limited financial resources. Prioritising your bills is crucial to ensure you meet your financial obligations and maintain a… Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Navigate Black Tax as a Young Nigerian

As the month comes to an end, various financial responsibilities start piling up. Your younger sister is asking for her monthly allowance, your brother needs money for school projects, and a friend urgently messages you for a loan. These bills… Continue Reading →

Cheapest Data Plans for Nigerian Students in 2023

As a student in Nigeria, staying connected to the internet is essential for completing school assignments, research, and staying up to date with the latest news and trends. However, with the ever-increasing cost of data plans, finding affordable and reliable… Continue Reading →

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